Message Wording Suggestions
Research has shown that sending a reminder message 1 week before the appointment and a second message 2 days before and the morning of the appointment has the most impact.
The following are suggestions where clients come to your location. ex. Dental, Chiropractic, Physio, Clinics, Auto Repair, Salons etc... Highlight, copy & paste the following examples or create your own.
It's (Your Company). Please click to call (your company phone #) to confirm your appointment for (client Name) on (enter date & time). Thank You. We appreciate your business!
Hello it's (Your Company) reminding you of your appointment on (enter date) for (client name) at (enter time). See you then & Thanks for your Business! Click to call (your company phone number)
This is a quick reminder for (client name). We are looking forward to seeing you on (enter date) at (enter time). We appreciate your Business. (Your Company) - click to call (company phone number).
Suggestions where you go to your clients location. ex. Cable Company, Telephone Service, Lawn Care, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, etc... Highlight, copy & paste the following examples or create your own.
It's (your company) sending you a reminder that we will see you on (enter date) between the hours of (enter time window). Please click to call (your company phone number) to confirm your appointment. Thank you. We appreciate your business!
Hello it's (your company) reminding you of our appointment at (enter client address) between the hours of (enter time window) on (enter date). See you then & thanks for your business! Click to call (your company phone number).
This is a quick reminder that we are scheduled to be at (enter client address) on (enter date) between the hours of (enter time window). We look forward to seeing you. (your company name) - click to call (company phone number)